Magnetic liquid rotary seals

The Principle of Magnetic Liquid Seals
Among the numerous effects specific to magnetic liquids, such as levitation, selflevitation, surface instabilities, movement induced by a rotating magnetic field etc., in the case of magnetic liquid seals the most important is the possibility of positioning of a certain quantity of magnetic liquid by a nonuniform magnetic field.
The magnetic force proportional to the field gradient and the liquid magnetization, will maintain the magnetic liquid in the prescribed space, against forces due to gravitation, centrifugal effects or pressure differences.

The gap between the rotating shaft and the fixed part of the seal, which is included in the magnetic circuit of a permanent magnet, a strongly nonuniform magnetic field is created.
The magnetic liquid introduced in the gap will take the form of "O" rings around the shaft, perfectly sealing the space between the parts in relative movement.
The magnetic liquid seals may be used only for gases. They are unchangeable in the cases when one need a perfectly tight vacuum feed through or a perfect rotating seal for toxic, radioactive or very expensive gases at moderate pressures.

Magnetic liquid presentation ( video)

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